If your vehicle is written off or stolen before you finish paying the finance on it, your car insurace payouts may not be enough to repay what you still owe and replace your vehicle with another vehicle of equivalent value. Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) is designed to cover this financial gap.
Combined GAP Insurance
What is it?
Combined GAP Insurance has been designed to cover the 'gap' between the greater of the motor insurance settlement or the market value of the insured vehicle and either the amount you paid for the vehicle, or the finance early settlement balance payable to the finance company if the insured vehicle is not declared a total loss within the period of cover.
If you would like more information please call GID on 01925 595907
GID provide a service on behalf of Mobilize Financial Services and offer free advice on GAP Insurance. Local call charges may apply.
Combined GAP Insurance
Cover & Eligibility
To qualify for Dacia Gap Insurance, you must be over 17 years of age. As with all insurance policies, there are some exclusions. A full list of exclusions/limitations can be found in the What Is Not Covered section on page 7 of the terms & conditions document.
RCI Financial Services Limited Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
The insurance is underwritten by Acasta European Insurance Company Ltd and administered by AutoProtect (MBI) Limited.